
zaterdag 16 juli 2022

74 - I garden, therefor I am

 What is this urge to document, to put down on paper what is keeping me occupied other than an existential need to prove that I exist?


Gardening, right, we are reading about gardening here?
Yes, we are, kind of. Like that pumpkin over there on the left, my being is hidden underneath a whole mass of creepers. Older ladies like myself tend to become invisible to younger people. The thinning hair, the wrinkles, the varicose veins, the sagging flesh, all not so attractive to gaze upon, I get it, don't think I do not.
But just as that pumpkin hidden under those green leaves is rather beautiful, so my soul remains all glossy sheen and firm flesh. It is just hidden inside an older person. Although my soul is an old one. And there you go. Back to Hunky Dory.

That area of high pressure is doing weird things to our weather. It is warm to very warm, but sometimes clouds hide the sun. Still, it is necessary to water the greenhouse veggies every day, and I talk to the daturas while I am doing that. The two of them appeared by magic, and are waving their amazing cream coloured trumpets at me, one day at a time. They wilt when I do not water them religiously, so I water them. I tried to grow one on my balcony last summer, but it pined, and I threw the spent pot soil in my greenhouse, and, well.
I have ordered a metal raised bed planter from Berlin for Hunky Dory, which is supposed to arrive 'within 7 days', of which 6 have passed by now. No tracker tracer thingy possible, so am I supposed to sit at home waiting for my buzzer to go off for a week? I think not!  I bet you they will try to deliver it when I am walking Puck. Anyway, I saw it on Gardener's World and several Instagram feeds and I thought I want one! It can go on the old strawberry patch (which will need clearing first) and I can fill it with a mix of veg and flowers I do not have to use a pickaxe for to get them into the soil. If this becomes a success, there will be more, folks. But first get it delivered...
The Cannas on the balcony

Mind you, the flowers are valiantly and defiantly showing they are just as good as last year's onions they have replaced. Good onions though, I am actually still eating them.
The forecast says it will be 36 degrees C next week, even though we are near the sea, holy cow! My poor garden... Oh well, her and me both, it will be over 40 under my flat roof at home. I have stocked up on icecream and made water ones for Puck, on a stick, she loves to lick them whilst I hold them up for her, eyes closed with extacy. (Hers, not mine)
If you like to read more, find my Instagram@songsmith2962 and Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman.  Have a lovely weekend, and keep your head cool!

zaterdag 9 juli 2022

73 - Tranquil ponds

 My frog pond has turned into a shallow bowl of green soup.

Obviously I knew this would happen at some stage, as I am aware of the existence of a green monster called blanket weed. Also known as spirogyra, string algae or silk weed, and that should be a warning in itself. An algae that goes by many names must be feared by many.
Before the monster struck

Blanket weed can be submerged, or float on top if the water. In my frog pond it is both. The green silky strands have twisted themselves around my mini waterlily and the logs, making it rather tricky to get out.
I have had a pond before, a much bigger one, and that had blanket weed as well in the first year, but after that it was alright. But that pond had some shade as well, and this one none at all, as Hunky Dory has no shade (yet! Working on it). It is filled with rain water, which is best, and has no fish, which is better, and I will just have to grin and bear it, raking the muck out from time to time. 
You know, this garden really is in a state of flux. Over time I slowly learn what works and what does not, and there is quite a lot of the latter. So I spend quite some time simply observing how nature works around my garden plans, and usually puts those plans awry. You like to have ornamental grasses, dear? Well, they don't quite like your soil, but the wild grasses love it! You want clematis up your obelisks? Na-ah! Why not try bindweed instead? It loves your garden! (No way! There are limits)
I make lists of plants that do well, and I can already predict Hunky Dory will look very different next summer.
The balcony pond

On my balcony is a mini-pond as well. It was in a copper pot at first, but I changed that to a tin wider one, as Puck likes to play with the sprinkler. That toy will drain the pond within half an hour, I must keep topping it up, so I only put it in when I feel like doing that. Keeps it exciting for my doggie as well; oh, the waterthing is in, yay!!, let's bite the water! Puck is not a playful dog, there were no toys when she was living her first years on a chain I suppose, so whenever she feels like playing I am happy for her.
There are lovely plants in the tiny pond, and they are all blooming as well, which is nice. The coal tits who live on the flat roof come down to drink every day, and the dragons who live on the roof opposite do too.
Not really. The dragons. Just seeing if you are paying attention. Everyone knows Dutch dragons only drink milk.
I adore sitting in my chair surrounded by plants and watch the water. It is very peaceful. 
Buiten Leven Magazine, July 2022
 Last week I told you I have exciting news, right? This is it. My balcony garden is featured in a magazine, such fun! It is a tiny piece, with a slightly larger photograph (by me), but I am chuffed all the same. And I hope to meet some new garden friends through it, one can never have too many of them. 
Right. Do check out Instagram@songsmith2962 and Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman if you like to see more of my photos and read more of my garden stories, you never know, you might meet a dragon or two. Have a lovely weekend!

zaterdag 2 juli 2022

72 - After the June explosion comes the calm of July

 Suddenly plants that shot from the soil have slowed down their urge to get as tall as possible, and instead have set their minds to producing seed or fruit.
My echinacea has flowers

Since we have had a couple of very rainy days this week, everything is looking fresh and sparkly instead of washed out, dusty and tired. That patch of figs next door is starting to waft that fig scent I adore, I wish I could take it home with me. Us teachers are on our last legs, one more week to go, but a few hours a day in my cottagy garden or in my balcony jungle keep me going and help me combat the stresses and frustrations that work throws at me. There was a hummingbird moth on my canna a few days ago, it made my day!
So what is going on in Hunky Dory? Well.
My tomatoes are as tall as me, and a few even taller, and their friends the marigolds are so leggy that they have fallen over, trying to trip me up on the greenhouse path. So I have bound them to the tomato stakes, where they cling like a tipsy woman on Friday night.
(Before you take offence and accuse me of sexism, tipsy men don't cling, they are loud and make stupid jokes, so I could not use them for a metaphor)
I have not taken off the bottom shoots and leaves, so they are not half as full of flowers as those of my clever neighbours, which suits me just fine, as I don't know what to do with kilos and kilos of tomatoes. Note to self: eight tomato plants are six too many. I live and learn.
Slowly some height at last

But the two cucumbers are perfect. I can just about keep up with their production, and give away a cucumber here and there, but not so often that folk turn away when they see me coming whilst trying to avoid the allotmenteer desperation. Two paprika plants are fine as well. And about my two courgettes, well, the slugs have discovered them and one of them is not a pretty sight.
But the flowers are well into their stride now. When I approach my borders I can hear a buzz from metres away. All kinds of bees and hoverflies are very busy, and there are plenty of butterflies as well, with the cabbage white most dominant.
Every time I enter the greenhouse surprised butterflies flutter around, and I have met some small birds several times. Mr Waddles is hiding amongst the veg, I have not seen him for weeks now. I hope he's okay. Must find out how old toads can become.
The side

Okay, time to slice up some cucumber. Next time I have some exciting news for you, so keep your eyes peeled at Instagram@songsmith2962  . Have a lovely weekend!

vrijdag 24 juni 2022

71 - Liters of jam, jars of pickled cucumber and the occasional courgette

 Growing fruit & veg is new to me. Sure, I have grown cucumbers, tomatoes and loads of different berries in the past, but never from scratch.

And I must admit that buying a Tasty Tom which has a mass of tomatoes on already is a lot easier than sowing seeds, pricking them out, keeping them watered and happy and then letting them loose in their greenhouse world and hope for the best, fingers crossed.
I gave them friends, marigolds in fact, and neighbours: cucumbers, pumpkins and paprikas. Across the greenhouse path is lettuce, beetroot, broccoli and paksoi. The cauliflowers have already been re-housed to my freezer.
Outside the heavy heady scent of ripe strawberries has almost been replaced by that of fig leaves. I picked so many strawberries my fingers were stained red, and cooked litres of jam.

The few berries still on the plants are for the animals. The potatoes are growing, and so are the courgettes, although I must say the courgettes I grew in pots on the balcony two years ago did a lot better than the twosome I have in my garden. They are quite puny. Still, the taste is fine! Don't know how you eat them, but I prefer courgette gratin.
Even though I only planted two cucumber plugs, I now have a cucumber glut. I have 2 to 3 ripe ones every day now, so I decided to try my hand at pickling. I chucked in kurkuma, chili flakes and dill. Could not find those round pepper corns, hence the chili. I have to be patient now, first tasting in a fortnight. When you read reports of a green tinged woman with botulism found on her balcony whilst being eaten by ravenous magpies, it will be me.
This week, last Wednesday in fact, I tried to explain to a colleague that there is a difference between a shop-bought straight and a greenhouse-grown crooked cucumber. Yes, obviously, the shape. But also the skin, which is much firmer and the flesh, which is less pale and watery and far, far tastier. Compared to my crooked green godesses the shop cucumbers are what Jack Daniels is to Talisker, darling. (Now you can work out for yourself which whisky I prefer. No? I will give you a hint: it starts with a T)
Meanwhile that rain last night freshned up my garden again. I cut the tall grass next to the ditch, and will do a second cut soon. And I posted a video of Hunky Dory on Instagram@songsmith2962,  so you can take a look.
Look for the yellow cat
Have a lovely weekend!

vrijdag 17 juni 2022

70 - I dream of green

 For a TEFL teacher like me, but any teacher really, June is a hectic stressful month, with tests, resits and exams, and happy students who can finally pick up their diploma. But June is also the month where the explosion of greenery that has taken off in May really consolidates in the garden.
The frog pond

Every day I walk down the path to my plot I see new plants in flower. The beans and peas of my neighbour are shooting up, and my own plants are suddenly playing catch-up. 
Remember I almost despaired of my gorgeous Princess Elisabeth rose? Well, it now looks much better and has a gorgeous rose and five very promising buds. I am overjoyed, because that rose was struggling on my balcony for two years and I had taken it to Hunky Dory especially to give it a better life, and its very own pretty obelisk to climb up against. 
And the Salvias are doing really well too. So are the many Verbena bonariensis I raised from seed.  They hardly grew during that drought, but now they are finally growing and blooming their hearts out.

The greenhouse

This week I spent some time not only watering, but also howing the mass of weeds that have sprung up amongst my spinach, cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes. There is chickweed and tall grass and I was amazed...where did all this come from??
The rose shows buds, yay!
When I put my small tomatoes in, it was pristine and all I did was spread some leftover potting soil. It really did make me think my no-dig experiment with cardboard on the other side of the greenhouse path will be the path forward (that sounds weird. But you know what I mean). Hardly any weeds on that side.
The cucumbers have given me 8 perfect ones already, and many more to come. And the tomatoes have lots of flowers and have grown up to over 1m. Not bad, from those seeds I saved from last year's crop, eh? Obviously what tomatoes they are, I don't know, it will be a surprise.
This week I have also harvested my beautiful cauliflowers, for the freezer. And then put some new veggies in, making sure I avoided last time's mistake of watering without a sprinkler head, washing all the seeds to the edges of the bed. Silly me! Will not do that again in a hurry! The thing is I have inherited 6 watering cans, but no heads...that gives me a good excuse to visit my favourite gardening centre. And sow in seed trays first may also be a good idea...Ah...I could always buy plugs... (here comes the impatient gardener in me, rearing its head). And I pulled out 5 wheelbarrows full yet again - weeds, my dear. The thistles looooove my heavy clay.
Anyway, when you would like to read more about Hunky Dory and/or my balcony jungle, visit Instagram@songsmith2962 and Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman and in the meantime take care in that mini-heatwave this weekend and release your inner plant nerd, go on, you can do it!

zaterdag 11 juni 2022

69 - Hunky Dory celebrates her First Birthday!

 One year ago I was overjoyed to finally rent an allotment in a well-established large allotment community on the outskirts of my hometown. It was large, completely planted up with veg, had a greenhouse and a shed, and I fell in love with it instantly.
Looking towards the greenhouse

One year on, with Covid lockdown, an accident which left me in pain for that entire year, and many major storms and a three-month drought, I have something at least resembling a garden.

The soil

And all the grief with rock hard heavy clay which turns into a huge puddle when it rains (free-draining? Ha!!!), slug armies lying in wait in the ditch, rampant potatoes which have sprouted everywhere and quite a few plants who are struggling to get their roots down or who have given up the ghost, has NOT deterred me. I am as determined to make Hunky Dory into a gorgeous garden as a year ago, be it slightly more realistic about what I can actually manage on a tight budget and with a still wonky right arm.
That soil needs to be worked around. It is not easily sorted out, and I do not have the patience to wait until yearly composting has finally improved it enough for me to get a spade in. So the plan is to raise all my beds, gradually. It will give me instant good soil, and in the long run I can keep gardening with my walker until they carry me from my plot (I have visions where I have keeled over amongst my zucchini at 85, peacefully dead in dappled shade from their leaves)

The greenhouse
The greenhouse faces South

The greenhouse also needs a makeover. I'd like raised shelving on one side (easier on my back), and a bed for the taller plants on the other. The shelf I have now does not do, as it is in direct sunlight and I get dizzy from the glare when I try to work there.

The shed

And do not start me on that shed. Large, no daylight (no electricity either), a work bench where my back is to the door (and I hate that) and full of things (polite term) I have no use for. The plan is to make a door on the opposite side, move the work bench, have a side window to let in some light. But I will have a person with knowledge take a good look at it first, to see if that old plywood thing is worth the money and effort.
October 2021

The dog

My plan to take along dog Puck has been shelved. She simply is not happy there (what, no digging? And dogs cannot walk around freely, you want me back on a chain? Seriously?), and has made that very clear on each occasion by whining within 10 minutes. She never whines at home! So she stays home, where she is Queen of the house, and I work in the garden around her schedule. It is what it is. (I am very Zen about Puck. She gives me all her doggie love and support, so I give her mine, we are a pack of two)
So there you are. Hunky Dory is a work in progress, and will no doubt look very different in another year's time.
The frog pond

But until then I revel in her greenness, rejoice in her flowers and veg and sing whilst I am topping up the frogless frog pond (to be fair it does have lovely plants, water insects and a very sassy resident duck). Do visit Instagram@songsmith2962 and Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman for lots more garden photos and stories.

vrijdag 3 juni 2022

68 - That bl**** Delta wind!


That bloody wind!

 Right plant, right place, my gardening gurus (don't tell me you have only the one!) keep telling me. Absolutely, I can do nothing but agree.

What they forgot to tell me was right wind, right garden! And right soil, right plants would have been another good one (to be fair, I have heard Frosty say that, only it had slipped my over-enthusiastic mind).
Have I bitten off more than I can chew here? Perhaps. But I am chewing like the goats I grew up with, and they ate everything (including a pair of Mum's underpants).
The division trellisses are gone. I moved them in front of the greenhouse, where they try to keep my hollyhocks from blowing over. And two of them now grace my balconygarden. Wind problem solved. Well, this wind problem at least. I am certain there will be others.
Planted a row of eucalyptus

The past couple of days we've had 6 Beaufort, NW. That wind means my balcony plants get battered, it's not comfortable to sit on the balcony and I cannot lower my sunscreen as it will be ripped to shreds, so if it is sunny it is either close the curtains, or suffer with 28 degrees heat indoors. So annoying.
 In the garden it means my plants get battered too, but they cope better than the structures. My pallet composting containers I was so proud of are sturdy enough, but the fronts that I made so that they are easily removed (handy for turning the compost, was the idea) keep blowing over. So, they need heavier fronts. On to the jobs list!
And that list is getting quite long. I need to get the weeding sorted, need to cut the long grass next to the ditch, need to pick the tons of strawberries and make jam, need to...Wait a minute?!

What was the general plan to Hunky Dory again? Oh, yeah, it was to enjoy peace, tranquillity, being outdoors and not stressed out. High time I reminded myself, thanks. 

So yesterday I had help moving my balcony easy lounger to the garden. I can take a nap now (can being the operative word here. Whether I dare to with all those other allotmenteers around, hm...doubt it. Visions of me with mouth wide open, dribbling and snoring up a storm)
Anyway, my garden is my anti-depressive and should remain so. Not yet another thing that whips up the anxiety. Perhaps I should paint a sign: Note to self - weeds are simply nice plants in the wrong place.
Want to read more? Follow me on Instagram@songsmith2962 and/or Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman  . Have a good weekend!

2025/3 - Don't believe everything you read

  Last week I told you I plan to prune my 'olijfwilg' , or olive willow to you (Elaeagnus Ebbingei), but that I want to make certain...