
Posts tonen met het label happiness. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label happiness. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 18 mei 2024

166E - Whoopie! Sunny and warm!

 As the vegetables have done great on the balcony last year, I decided to repeat it.

Tomatoes and Tagetes

   I grow six different kinds of tomatoes (unfortunately I couldn't find the Green Zebra), with Tagetes in front. So far in Spring 2024 the weather has been very unkind to tomatoes: too cold, too wet and a rollercoaster besides - temperatures changed daily with as much as 10°C difference. But they are still alive, fingers crossed for tomatoes.
   There are Strawberries, Potatoes, one Gherkin (which I eat as a Cucumber), Celery and Salad leaves. Only A little of everything, for this is a smallish balcony.
The herbs (Sage, Moroccan Mint, Parsley and Thyme) are doing marvellously.
7th May 2024
Together with my cheerful annuals it is looking super nice.
In Hunky Dory the grass has been cut and the frog pond has been cleaned of that green snot, so you can see that the mini Waterlily is growing.
More and more plants are in flower, and the Desdemona rose is on the verge of whoopie 🌹, she is full of flowers and buds, see the photo somewhere below.
Broom and Wallflower

   My Wallflower has grown hugely in the past three years, but has also changed colour. No problem. Elsewhere, in the hot border I have a burnt orange one as well, hopefully it will become as large as the purple one. If you take a good look, you can spot the Verbena Bonariensis as well.
   This year I have a few Bearded Iris. Initially I thought my heavy clay unsuitable, but I adore them so much that I tried it regardless. Last year they only produced some leaves, but look! Oooh, I want more now!
Iris Siberica
In the orchard my wild flowers are showing. It makes trimming the grass a bit of A Thing, as I obviously don't want to mow them down. Last year I had some Wild Carrots; I really hope they have spread their seed around!
Wild Carrot

   Anyway, I noticed there are at least 3 Teasels there, and I have 2 more in the hot border. Bees and bumblebees love them, but secretly I hope for goldfinches. But there are wild Daisies, the tall variety, so sweet!
The Daisies (and trimmed grass)
   I am keeping the
Best for last: my 
beloved Desdemona.
Desdemona rose

   Have a

I've uploaded some extra photos  especially for you, so scroll on; one extra page of photos added.

zaterdag 3 juli 2021

14 - Update allotment / de moestuin is bekeken

 Last evening I had the opportunity to view 2 plots: a weedy desert and a perfectly kept full blown veg paradise complete with shed and greenhouse.
No hard guess which had my preference, right? It was like choosing between a doer-upper without a roof and a design penthouse. 
So this afternoon I will visit it again, to negotiate a price with the current tenant. I am so excited I did not sleep last night (although that could also have something to do with the meal out I lay in my stomach like a brick). I hope the bags under my eyes will get something off that hefty price.

 This garden has obviously been cherished. It will be loved again, I promise!
As soon as it is really mine I'll take lots of photos, and lead you round with a video. You will have to visit my Instagram for that though, sorry about that, @songsmith2962 

Gisteravond kreeg ik de kans te kiezen tussen twee tuinen: een woestenij vol kattenstaart en een perfect onderhouden moestuin compleet met schuur en kas. Dus geen moeilijke keuze, toch?

Het was als kiezen tussen een opknappertje zonder dak en een design penthouse.
Dus vanmiddag ga ik er opnieuw naar toe, om een prijs voor overname af te spreken met de huidige huurder. Ik ben zo opgewonden dat ik nauwelijks geslapen heb (maar dat kan ook iets te maken hebben met de maaltijd die ik op een terras at en die als een baksteen in mijn maag lag). Ik hoop dat mijn wallen iets van de prijs af krijgen.

Deze tuin werd duidelijk gekoesterd. Ik zal hem ook liefhebben, dat beloof ik!
Zo snel als kan zal ik veel foto's maken en jullie via een video rondleiden. Hiervoor zal je wel naar mijn Instagram moeten, sorry, @songsmith2962 

donderdag 1 juli 2021

13 - To cottage, or not to cottage? / Cottagetuin of niet?

 Of course I know cottage is not a verb, but sitting here in the gloom looking out on my balcony garden, to me it is.

I have great news!
You know I told you I was waiting for an allotment, right? I have been allocated one. Now, I have not seen the exact plot yet, so in fact know nothing, but that does not stop me from making plans.
The immediate question is in what style will I create my mix of veg, herbs, fruit and flowers? My old cottage garden springs to mind. I adored that garden, and cried when leaving it behind. But that gorgeous garden, with its buxus bordered beds, and old Dutch cobbled paths, and sheds and greenhouse and large pond, was managed by two gardeners, and now there will only be one...back-achey older version me!
Caution and sensible planning need to be implemented. Ideally the beds need to be raised (The Back). But I dislike straight lines. Curved lines, but how? Money is an issue (there is little), and also the fact that the hard landscaping will have to be done by me ( again something The Back will not like. I will bribe it with the prospect of a Korenwijn afterwards).
But it will be such fun!
You can see the first photos on Instagram @songsmith2962 soon.

 Natuurlijk weet ik dat cottage geen werkwoord is.  Maar hier zittend in het halfduister met uitzicht op mijn balkontuin, maak ik er gewoon eentje van.

Ik heb geweldig nieuws! Jullie weten dat ik op de wachtlijst stond voor een volkstuin, toch? Ik heb er eentje toegewezen gekregen. Ik weet nog niet exact waar op het complex, dus eigenlijk weet ik nog niks, maar dat houdt me niet tegen om alvast plannen te maken.
De eerste vraag is in welke stijl ik mijn mix van groente, kruiden, fruit en bloemen zal planten. Vroeger had ik een cottage tuin. Ik was gek op die tuin, en moest huilen toen ik haar achterliet.  Maar die prachtige tuin, met haar buxusperken, Waalse steentjespaden, schuurtjes, kas en grote vijver werd bijgehouden door twee tuinlieden, en nu zal er maar één zijn...slechte-rug oudere versie Ik!
Voorzichtigheid en verstandig plannen is geboden. Eigenlijk moeten het opgehoogde bedden worden (De Rug). Maar ik heb een hekel aan rechte lijnen. Dus gebogen lijnen, hoe dan? Geld is een dingetje (heb het niet), en ook het feit dat al het graaf- en bouwwerk door mijzelf gedaan moet worden (ook iets waar De Rug niet blij mee zal zijn. Ik zal hem moeten omkopen met een Korenwijn na afloop). Maar het wordt so gaaf!
Je kunt de eerste foto's snel op Instagram @songsmith2962  vinden.

vrijdag 4 juni 2021

5 - Ravishing Roses

 Shakespeare used a rose to explain something: 'What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...'

Still, the word rose evokes quite a different image from the word turd, and a turd smelling as sweet as a rose...would we rave about our dog's turds? I doubt it.

Roses are amongst my garden favourites. I walk the longer way home simply to pass the house which is festooned by a climbing New Dawn. So it cannot come as a surprise to you that I had to have some roses in my balcony garden. 
The first that joined my life (sorry, I'm a weird plant nut, remember, so roses are family) was the Rosa canina you see on the left. It was small, and past its best, so a bargain. But it smelled divine and fitted in my saddle bag, so what's not to love? We've kept each other company for 4 years now, and it has bravely weathered several gales, drought, snow and frosts. It blooms, I give it a haircut and it blooms again.
It is always the first one to show buds, and to wave her first flowers at me - look, look at me!

Then 2 years ago a friend took me to an old nursery in the next town, where they grow old fashioned roses. The scent from the greenhouse was heavenly. So I brought home an English tea rose. It starts out with salmon and yellow buds, opens up to salmon flowers and then the blooms fade to a buttery yellow within a few days. I've repotted it twice, and it blooms twice in a season as well. This modest beauty has been blown over during the gale last April. I found her on her head in the rock garden, but she only dropped some leaves and rearranged her branches  - let's get on with it, she quietly said, I don't want to think about my ordeal ever again.

And then there are my miniature anonymous hybrids that I rescued from the DIY centre. You know the kind, they are covered with flowers when they appear on the shelves and usually die within a fortnight? I got three for the price of two ( ha!), and they have been with me for 4 years as well. They are like rowdy little boys, jostling each other for space, and always poking their noses at whatever flavour of the year they share their planter with. They have viscious needle-like thorns, and shout loudly when they want a drink - hey! Thirsty!
I planted one of those little thugs in my cottage garden 26 years ago, and it has climbed the elderberry next to it and is now over 10 m tall, almost smothering that elderberry in blood red roses every year.

Not all my roses have been a success...In the first year I tried to get a Schneewittchen to wind through my trellis. I'd had one in my cottage garden, where it met a New Dawn halfway across the pergola and was easy going and gorgeous. But here the lady complained about the balcony, it did not like the planter, it got into a fight with the depressed Honeysuckle, and got black spot. She howled she hated it so much she was going to kill herself, and made good on that threat. We remember her with fond regret.

#roses #thedutchdeltagardener #gardenista #gardeningistherapy #gardening #greenthumbs #myhappyplace

If you'd like to see more photos of my Roses, you can visit my garden on Instagram @songsmith2962 and @grashoffr

dinsdag 1 juni 2021

4 - My garden of Eden

 "Eden: the beautiful garden where Adam and Eve, the first human beings, lived before they did something God had told them not to and were sent away, often seen as a place of happiness and innocence."

That's according to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

When I first read this it intrigued me, the 'did something', it is surprisingly vague. To me, beautiful gardens are meant to be worked, apples are meant to be picked, otherwise that happiness is swiftly erased by swarms of wasps, slugs and other assorted creepy crawlies. Innocence? Hm. I was told not to use plants taller than 50 cm, but that first summer my verbena bonariensis grew taller than me (I'm 1.69). Luckily there are no snakes on Voorne, otherwise I would have been evicted pronto.

We do have a lot of other wildlife around here. It's the proximity of water and greenery. At the end of my street, near the small ferry to the next isle, there are abandoned playing fields. The football and tennis club have moved out and the animals have moved back in. The large white poplars and summer oaks house ringneck parakeets, woodpeckers, ravens, crows, doves and a roost of jackdaws. In 2019 a buzzard raised two chicks there. Underneath the trees live hares, voles, mice, and I come across the occasional roe deer or two at dawn. Herons fish, mute swans nestle, all kinds of waterfowl make a hell of a racket. We even boast two beavers. 

I love it. To me, rewilding is the magical word of the decade. I do realise that parcel of land is meant for a housing project, but long may my council lack the funding! In the meantime I try to lure the wildlife to my garden. The slugs have rather unfortunately made it their home, that wasn't in the plan. But I coo over every ladybird and bumblebee that flies onto my flowers. I'd love butterflies and sorely miss my old pond with damselflies and dragonflies. I've put up an insect hotel and feed the birds. And try to plant pollinator flowers.

So this year I have sown some seeds. Aniseed (especially for the flowers), marigolds, lathyrus, two kinds of nasturtium, and mixed pollinator seed. I put the seed trays on my heated living room floor (that works well for the seedlings, not so much for me, as walking becomes an obstacle course) and meant to put them outside in April, like all normal gardeners do. Except it was so extremely cold, all through April. So they remained indoors.

We had night frost up to May 28th, I kid you not!

Those seedlings grew well. Puck thought so too, and bit off all the heads one afternoon when I was out. I cried. There, I'm not ashamed to admit it. But I did put them out in the cold after that and kept my fingers crossed. Well, unlike the cheap red Lidl rescued salvias I had planted to brighten up the gloom, those seedlings took the frost and rainstorms in their stride. They hardly grew at first, and the nasturtiums lost some leaves to the wind, but they survived. Unlike my beloved cannas. Not a shoot in sight so far, deep sigh. I fear I've lost both pots. I adored those blood red cannas, even more so because I rescued the original one from the local DIY centre, where it was thrown onto the rejects tray and I got myself a bargain for €1. I'm big on rescue, my Puck is a rescued dog, many of my plants are and I could use a good rescue myself. Anyway, that one miserable canna was divided into two gorgeous plants last year, and every evening Puck and I sat next to them and praised every flower.

#cannas #rewilding #seedlings #wildlife #thedutchdeltagardener #birds #plantaholic #gardeningistherapy #adoptdontshop #rescueddog 

You can read more about my balcony garden at Instagram @songsmith2962 and @grashoffr

2025/11 - Getting ready for Spring

  All of a sudden our weather changed from the usual dank, grey, dreary stuff to lovely sunshine during the day and frosty nights with a gor...