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Posts tonen met het label bughotel. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 2 april 2022

59 - Not a lot of money? DIY!

Hi there! Has your garden survived that silly snow, and freezing winds? And have you?

 If you have it, gardening can cost a lot of money! I visit the garden centres almost on a weekly basis and am amazed by what they dare to ask for stuff. But I need to garden on a tight budget, so I tend to get creative.

Hanging pots

Besides, sustainability is a good concept. My predecessor left me a shed full of rusty bits and bobs, and a mountain of plastic pots. Sure, I could throw out the lot, anti-plastic that I am, but would then have to buy new clay pots which cost an arm and a leg. Is not going to happen. Instead of forking out 16 Euros each for clay strawberry planters, I will recycle those plastic pots.  I have hung them onto the waterbutts, to cheer those ugly monsters up but also to avoid the slug armies. Win-win! All you need is a pot, some wire and optionally something to mask that ugly plastic, like jute/hessian. Eh presto!

Bug hotel

The half-finished one
First I thought to do the traditional bug hotel, using wood. But then I found out my arm still refuses to have me saw wood, bother! Being a persistent type, I then used all the leftover bits from last year's Christmas decorations and a glue gun. And some pretty snail houses, let them take it as a warning!
I filled up the gaps with garden moss, and will put in reeds as soon as I can cut some.
I have also planted a self-sown Alysum in the bottom, but since then saw it did not survive the operation. Oh well, I'll think of something else then. A Nasturtium perhaps, they have proven themselves to be tough as boots last year.

Discarded wood

The frog pond 

The council cut back the old football ground hedge and forgot to take away some bits and pieces. Puck and I like to sniff around there. So I did a little round and gathered some of that wood for my pond. The idea is to gather more, and find myself some rocks as well (a challenge - strictly clay around here), because that pond edge is far too sterile for my taste.
When I came back last, I noticed one of the logs was now floating in the middle...interesting. I wonder what animal did that? Can't be my Mr Waddles, he's not strong enough.
Don't forget I will be handing out FREE Pollinators seeds next Saturday, 10.00 til 12.00, poort 2, plot 54a, Langesingel Brielle.
And have a great gardening weekend, more about my gardens on Instagram@songsmith2962 

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