Any God can apply for the job, by the way, I'm not picky!
After too many, too long days of greyness, wetness and chilly gloom, today the sun is out! Sooooooo lovely!
I cycled to Hunky Dory to let some water out of my waterbutts, as there will be frost in the night, and I don't want them to burst. I was the only one there, so it was just me, the worms popping up out of the ground (their homes were flooded by me, sorry, sorry) and the narcisii showing colour.
Every spring it is a happy event for me to pick the first bunch to take home.
That ditch wall is the first soil to warm up, so these bulbs flower first. I took a quick look at my other bulbs, and they are coming along nicely as well. The newly planted Camassias are 10cm above ground.
After a struggling first few years, my Viburnum tinus is finally looking as if she has decided to put down roots. Good, she's very welcome to stay.Can you spot the Camassia? Bright green, on the left. Monty Don says it is 'a bit of a thug', but I have plenty of those in my garden, so I dare it to challenge the others.
Slowly, slowly, the Hellebore opens up. I wait with great anticipation for the first bumblebees to wake up. I suspect some of them live very near that Hellebore. But this week it is far too cold for them still.The majority of my plants and shrubs are still straw coloured. It makes the sheds and glasshouses stand out, as well as those waterbutts. Not very pretty...But oh well, it is an allotment after all. And just you wait for my roses.
Oh, will you look at that sky?! But I prefer that to the solid grey one we see so very often over here.
Puck and I braved two snow showers already, which turned her into the puppy that she has not been for 9 years. But the snow has melted away as soon as it fell, the frost is only in the night.
Anyway, that sun lifts everyone's spirits, you can tell. May it stay with us for a while! Have a lovely weekend!
Renée Grashoff is the author of 'Boerenwormkruid'
ISBN 9789492881939
NUR 342