
Posts tonen met het label frost. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label frost. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 7 februari 2025

2025 - 6 Frost and freezing winds do not a happy gardener make!

 Whilst I sit here trying to thaw out after an hour in my garden, I will make good use of my time and write a blog. For those of you that experience real frost ours is peanuts. But it is exactly our wishy-washy winters that make it so complicated.

Cortaderia selloana
  It should be either a proper winter, or none at all...not 4 nights of frost and sunny days and next 2 degrees C nights and 4 C days with an Eastern wind that feels more freezing than those proper frosts! This confuses my plants and cheeses me off.

  My spider plants in the greenhouse were confused as well and died. This experiment has taught me it is no use trying to keep them in there over winter.
Thankfully my spider plant has plenty of babies.

   Anyway. I was glad to see the rest of the garden was looking bedraggled but alive. My new stakes were upright despite the storms we've had, so that's good news.
And the spring bulbs are still alive as well, great.

My paperwhites even show buds. They are underneath the artichokes, so perhaps they are a bit protected. They are always the first to bloom.
So happy to see the bearded iris are alive, next to some more narcisii.

The hellebore next to the frog pond is almost in bloom too.
And the rozettes of the teasles are fresh and perky. I started out with one, and have at least ten by now. I value them, as they provide seeds for the birds and shelter for the insects. Besides, I like the historic value: they were used for combing wool, to get it ready for spinning. For someone who writes, those are useful details about our past.

My logs are there for the same reason as the teasels: shelter for the insects. This afternoon there was a robin perched on them, but as is so often the case, when I tried to take a photo all I captured was a blur, as it bolted.
The apple trees are pretty in their own way, with lichen. And canker... they are not very healthy and the apples are mostly mealy. But as I inherited them, I simply leave them be (except for pruning) and enjoy the spring blossom.
My frog pond is full of leaves, which I will not disturb yet, as I hope there is wildlife hibernating in that mud underneath them. So far the frogs have shunned it, but there are plenty of boatsmen and other swimming creepy crawlies in there. So strange, I have plenty of toads in the garden, but frogs, nope. I had one three years ago. Perhaps they are afraid I will try to kiss them?
Looking rather grey and boring... But just you wait!

   In a few weeks time that grey, boring space will suddenly burst out in colour. And then my life will evolve around the garden again.
   In the meantime I have a gig next Sunday, wish us well.
   And my book will be for sale in approx. 2 weeks. Cannot wait!😁 (If you are interested in buying it, you can order it at, that's the webshop, or alternatively send me an e-mail at )

   Have a lovely weekend, wherever you are.


2025/11 - Getting ready for Spring

  All of a sudden our weather changed from the usual dank, grey, dreary stuff to lovely sunshine during the day and frosty nights with a gor...