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Posts tonen met het label raspberry. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 31 augustus 2024

181E - Almost Autumn, really, whatever they might say.

 Whilst it is 27°C in my living room ( I am writing this on Wednesday) I notice by just looking around me that the summer of 2024 is sliding into Autumn. Do I mind? Mwah, not really. Can't complain about our summer in the end.

A bit late, but very welcome!
   It started too late, was too cold and too wet, but from the 2nd week of July onwards we suddenly had glorious weather.
   My struggling plants revived extremely fast. Except the Canna...But she is making up for it now, don't you think?
   Where I notice that autumn is sneaking up on me, is in the early mornings. At 6 a.m. it is still dark enough for the streetlights to be on, and I need to put on a coat again!
   The trees in my neighbourhood, mostly summer oaks, willows and lime trees, are showing quite a few yellow leaves, dropping their leaves as well.

The balcony blooms on happily.
   This morning I spotted the first toadstools in the grass...
   So yes, it is inevitable, we are slip-sliding into Autumn.
    Hunky Dory shows it as well. The asters are in full colour and my autumn bulbs are showing themselves. I noticed that the Ixia bulbs I had planted in a nice pot on the balcony have not done a thing, growl.
Bulbs that do not come up: it should be against the law.
Knit one, purl one.

As you can see on the right, I repaired the dried up willow planter. Can I be bold and warn you not to throw away your money on these? Within two years they have dried up completely and fall apart. Useless.
But I AM very happy with what's inside. My son had gifted me a yellow raspberry, which is now bearing fruit, yay!
The red current in the planter behind it, isn't doing much yet. Perhaps next year, now that I have used organic fertiliser. Red currants are my favourite berries.
The yellow raspberry


   Something completely different 

   As you may have read (and if not, well, here it is) I am busy self-publishing a book. It was supposed to be titled 'Murder at Rust Roest' (Dutch for 'do not be idle'), but I found out that another book called Rust Roest was published very recently. I could not believe my eyes! I hastened to check I wasn't robbed (call me suspicious), but no, simply a stupid coincidence. With stress on stupid: I mean, what are the odds?
Anyway. So now my book has a new title: Boerenwormkruid (Tansy). You are my witnesses! Self-publishing is a doddle, they tell you, well, so far not so much. I'll spare you the details, but perhaps I will use the story in a new book.

Have a lovely weekend!

2025/11 - Getting ready for Spring

  All of a sudden our weather changed from the usual dank, grey, dreary stuff to lovely sunshine during the day and frosty nights with a gor...