Hunky Dory has survived the two days of 30°C+ sunshine, and we were spared by the thunderstorms so far. I took some extra photos for you to enjoy.
From the top down:
1. The Wandering Papyrus ('not all who wander are lost!')
2. Thistle with happily buzzing bumblebee
3. Bindweed...too pretty to destroy...for now
4. Predominantly pink front bed with drumstick Alliums, Echinaecea, Monarda, Verbena bonariensis and Physostegia-almost-in-bloom
5. Monarda with die-hard Crocosmia
6. Gaura with orange Gladioli, orange day-lilies, red Crocosmia and party-crasher Verbena bonariensis
7. Day-lilies battling the slugs and snails that live in the Artichokes towering over them
8. Hunky Dory at 09.00 a.m. Yes, folks, we do have some pretty spectacular rain showers in the Dutch Delta!