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Posts tonen met het label Buitenlevenmagazine. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 9 juli 2022

73 - Tranquil ponds

 My frog pond has turned into a shallow bowl of green soup.

Obviously I knew this would happen at some stage, as I am aware of the existence of a green monster called blanket weed. Also known as spirogyra, string algae or silk weed, and that should be a warning in itself. An algae that goes by many names must be feared by many.
Before the monster struck

Blanket weed can be submerged, or float on top if the water. In my frog pond it is both. The green silky strands have twisted themselves around my mini waterlily and the logs, making it rather tricky to get out.
I have had a pond before, a much bigger one, and that had blanket weed as well in the first year, but after that it was alright. But that pond had some shade as well, and this one none at all, as Hunky Dory has no shade (yet! Working on it). It is filled with rain water, which is best, and has no fish, which is better, and I will just have to grin and bear it, raking the muck out from time to time. 
You know, this garden really is in a state of flux. Over time I slowly learn what works and what does not, and there is quite a lot of the latter. So I spend quite some time simply observing how nature works around my garden plans, and usually puts those plans awry. You like to have ornamental grasses, dear? Well, they don't quite like your soil, but the wild grasses love it! You want clematis up your obelisks? Na-ah! Why not try bindweed instead? It loves your garden! (No way! There are limits)
I make lists of plants that do well, and I can already predict Hunky Dory will look very different next summer.
The balcony pond

On my balcony is a mini-pond as well. It was in a copper pot at first, but I changed that to a tin wider one, as Puck likes to play with the sprinkler. That toy will drain the pond within half an hour, I must keep topping it up, so I only put it in when I feel like doing that. Keeps it exciting for my doggie as well; oh, the waterthing is in, yay!!, let's bite the water! Puck is not a playful dog, there were no toys when she was living her first years on a chain I suppose, so whenever she feels like playing I am happy for her.
There are lovely plants in the tiny pond, and they are all blooming as well, which is nice. The coal tits who live on the flat roof come down to drink every day, and the dragons who live on the roof opposite do too.
Not really. The dragons. Just seeing if you are paying attention. Everyone knows Dutch dragons only drink milk.
I adore sitting in my chair surrounded by plants and watch the water. It is very peaceful. 
Buiten Leven Magazine, July 2022
 Last week I told you I have exciting news, right? This is it. My balcony garden is featured in a magazine, such fun! It is a tiny piece, with a slightly larger photograph (by me), but I am chuffed all the same. And I hope to meet some new garden friends through it, one can never have too many of them. 
Right. Do check out Instagram@songsmith2962 and Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman if you like to see more of my photos and read more of my garden stories, you never know, you might meet a dragon or two. Have a lovely weekend!

2025/11 - Getting ready for Spring

  All of a sudden our weather changed from the usual dank, grey, dreary stuff to lovely sunshine during the day and frosty nights with a gor...