Blog about no-dig gardening, nature, pets and life in the Dutch Delta, by Renée Grashoff, a published writer.
- 1572
- 2021
- 2022
- 2024
- 2025
- aardappels
- abraxas
- accidents
- Achillea
- actinidia
- adam frost
- Affirmation
- afvallen
- allium
- Alliums
- Allotment
- amarylis
- Anniversary
- anti-depressive
- anticipation
- anxiety
- Anxious dog
- appelsnoei
- apples
- april
- aquarel
- Aquilegia
- art
- artichoke
- artichokes
- artisjokken
- Aruba
- Asia
- Aster
- Asters
- auteur
- author
- Autumn
- bad luck
- balans
- balcony
- balcony makeover
- Balconygarden
- Balkon
- Balkontuin
- banana
- Bark
- bbb
- beans
- bees
- begonias
- belgie
- belgië
- belgium
- bergamot
- besparen
- bestuivers
- Bijen
- birds
- blessed
- blij tuin
- Blue screen of death
- blues
- Blumfeldt
- boerenwormkruid
- Bollen
- bonen
- book
- book published
- boomspinazie
- borders
- botanical pickmeup
- Brielle
- broad beans
- Bronte bessenvlinder
- broom
- bughotel
- Buitenlevenmagazine
- bulbs
- Bumble bee
- butterflies
- canna
- Cannas
- canopy
- Caryopteris
- cats
- centaurea
- changes
- Charlie Dimmock
- Chenopodium giganteum
- Chinese new year
- Chloris
- Chores
- christmas
- Christmas tree
- Chrysolina coerulans
- Chrysomelidae
- clematis
- climate change
- climbers
- Cocinella
- Colour
- colours
- common tern
- compost
- coreopsis
- corona
- Corymbia rubra
- cottage garden
- cottage style garden
- courage
- Crocosmia
- Cup-and-saucer-vine
- cycas
- cyclamen
- daglelie
- damage
- damselflies
- Danny Vera
- de drie gezusters
- December
- Deilephila elphenor
- Den Briel
- depression
- depressive
- Desdemona
- Desdemona rose
- Detective
- diabetes
- Dianthus
- diet
- digifitti
- digitalis
- Diy
- dog
- dogs
- dragonflies
- draught
- dried flowers
- droogte
- Duck
- dutch
- Dutch garden
- duurzaam
- easter
- Echinacea
- Ede Staal
- Elaeagnus Ebbingei
- Eleaeagnus Ebbingei
- Elho
- Emerson
- Engeland
- erigeron
- euonymus
- euphoria
- february
- Feestdagen
- fern
- fig
- filosophy
- flooding
- fouten
- framboos
- free plants
- friends
- frog pond
- frost
- Frozen shoulder
- fungus
- future
- gales
- Garden
- garden maintenance
- Garden photos
- Garden Rescue
- gardenblog
- Gardener's World
- gardening
- Gardening in bad times
- gardenista
- Gardenitis
- Gardenplot
- gardens
- Gaura
- Gele bloemen
- Geluksmomenten
- genieten
- Geranium
- Geraniums
- gig
- Ginger
- Glyfosaat
- Goudsbloem
- grape hyacint
- Gras
- Grassen
- grateful
- green balcony
- greenhouse
- grief
- groene heg
- Groenten
- Guardian Angel
- Hannover
- happiness
- happy gardening
- health
- heatwave
- heavy clay lovers
- Hebe
- Hedera
- Helleborus
- herbs
- herfst
- herfstbloeiers
- heron
- Herring gull
- historisch
- historische roman
- Hitte
- Hittegolf
- Holidays
- hommels
- hond
- honden
- hope
- hosta
- hostas
- hot border
- Houseplant jungle
- Houseplants
- hunky dory
- Hyacint
- hydrangea
- IJs
- IJzervaren
- indoor jungle
- insects
- insekten
- Jam
- January
- July
- june
- kas
- Kerstmis
- Kikkerpoel
- kleurrijk tuinieren
- klimaatverandering
- Klimmers
- klimop
- klimplant
- klokwinde
- Klusjes
- Knautia
- kornus mas
- kringloop
- Kritiek
- labellen
- lavendel
- lavender
- Lente
- leven
- Libellen
- lieveheersbeestjes
- Lijstjes
- lilies
- lockdown
- lonicera
- loss
- Lychnis
- Lythrum
- Maart
- Mais
- malva
- Marrowfat peas
- Meloen
- Melon
- memories
- mental health
- message
- meta
- mice
- mindfulness
- mint
- misfortune
- mistakes
- moestuin
- Monarda
- Monty Don
- mourning
- muffins
- muizen
- mulchen
- Murphy's law
- mushrooms
- mystical
- naaktslakken
- Narcis
- Nasturtium
- nasturtiums
- naturalistic
- natuurlijke tuin
- newsletter
- niet aanharken
- Nieuwe koers
- November
- Nurturing garden
- October
- oktober
- old age
- olijfwilg
- Ongeluk
- onkruid
- Oost-Indische kers
- opruimen
- optimism
- optimisme
- oranje
- orchids
- organisch
- Ornamental grasses
- outrage
- Oxalis corniculata
- oystercatcher
- paddestoelen
- Paden
- Pagan
- palmvaren
- papaver
- Papyrus
- paradise
- Parkinson
- Parkinson's
- Peacock butterfly
- pech
- peeping Tom
- Pelargoniums
- peonies
- perennial movement
- perennials
- perseverance
- persicaria
- pets
- Phyrrhocoris apterus
- physostegia
- pickled cucumber
- pinus
- plannen
- plans
- Plant photos
- plant therapy
- planten
- planters
- planting
- plantphotos
- plants
- plugs
- Pollinators
- pompoen
- pond
- pond trouble
- ponds
- Poppies
- port of europe
- potato
- pots
- prijsvraag
- pruning
- ptsd
- publicatie
- publishing
- Puck
- pumpkin
- Pyrrhocoridae
- Queen Elizabeth
- Rabarber
- radish
- rain
- Raised beds
- raspberry
- recept
- Recipe
- recueddog
- reflection
- regen
- Reiger
- repotting
- rescued dog
- revamp
- Rewilding
- Rhubarb
- rock garden
- rode struiken
- roos
- rose grape
- rosemary
- roses
- rouw
- Rozen
- rudbeckia
- runner bean
- salamander
- Salvia
- sanity
- Sanseveria
- Sanseverias
- scabiosa
- Schaduwplek
- Schors
- schrijver
- scorpion
- seasonal affective disorder
- Seasons
- sedum
- seedlings
- seeds
- Self-publishing
- september
- shady nook
- Shock
- Siergrassen
- signeren
- Singapore
- Sissinghurst
- slordig
- slugs
- Sneeuw
- snoeien
- snow
- snowdrops
- soep
- solace
- solidago
- Spaans Mos
- spelen
- Spider plant
- Spinplant
- Spring
- spring bulbs
- Spring cleaning
- steenhommel
- storm
- storm Henk
- Stortbuien
- sub-tropical
- Succulents
- swallows
- talisker
- teasel
- tekening
- the Beatles
- the pollinators
- the three sisters
- thistle
- Thistles
- Toad
- tomato
- tomatoes
- tragopogon
- traumas
- tree spinach
- treehugger
- trees
- Trellis
- trendy
- Trial and error
- Tropaeolum
- tropics
- tuinbonen
- tuingeluk
- tuinieren
- Tuinjaar
- tuinklus
- tuinschoonmaak
- tuinverhalen
- tulips
- Uien
- uitgeven boek
- Ukraine
- USA weather
- valeriaan
- valeriana
- Vanessa atalanta
- vaste planten
- Veere
- vegetables
- vegpatch
- veranderingen
- verbena
- verhoogde bakken
- verlies
- vetplanten
- viburnum
- vijver
- vijvers
- vinca
- violas
- vlinderplanten
- Vlinders
- voerdebijbij
- vogels
- volkstuin
- voornemens
- vuurwerk
- Wadi
- Wageningen
- wallflower
- water shortage
- waterjuffers
- wateroverlast
- weeds
- weight loss
- White garden
- Whodunit
- Wilgentenen
- Wind damage
- winter
- winter allotment
- Women
- worry
- writer
- zaaien
- zaden
- zon
- Zuckerberg
- Zuinig
- zwammen
woensdag 7 juli 2021
16 - Slakken Festival / Slug Fest
Gisteravond stonden de tuinbonen nog fier overeind, vanochtend lag driekwart plat. Het is dan ook ongelofelijk winderig wisselvallig weer, met van die jagende wolken, soms wit, meestal grijs. Niet bepaald het juli weer waar tuinders van houden.
zondag 6 juni 2021
6 - Happy Hostas
Some years ago now, I gave up on hostas. But life changes, in this case for the best.
![]() |
My happy hosta |
Hostas project that lush jungle like vibe that I love. Having grown up in a rural area, surrounded by apple orchards, wheat, sugarbeets and lots of grassland dotted with Friesians (how typically Dutch would you like?), my world was flat, green, and small-leaved. My Mum took me to a hortus botanicus when I was 8, and I fell in love with tropical plants on the spot. Jungle Book became my favourite film, and I dreamed of living in a jungle. Mind you, visiting Aruba when I was 11 quickly made me realise: tropical plants, great, all those venomous insects that thrive there, and snakes, erm...not my thing. "Oh, don't you worry, they won't hurt you if you leave them alone", I was told. Yeah, right. After a very up close and personal encounter with a small scorpion that stung me on the stomach when it had hidden itself in my t-shirt for a nice snooze ("aren't you lucky it was a small one"), I decided jungle life was not for me!
Slugs! Loathe them!
But the love for large green leaves remained. I wanted a gunnera, was told I was barmy, as it would dominate the entire garden. So planted a pergola kiwi instead. Very lush, very green, and it grew huge. And hostas, must have hostas, as they come as close to a 'tropical vibe' as you can get in this climate. But the many slugs and snails in my old garden came to dinner daily, and nothing worked. I tried coffee grains, sharp sand, sharp grit, beer traps, picking them off twice a day, and was still left with just the veins.
Balcony garden
On my balcony though, the picking off method works, hurray! As long as I do it daily. So here I have had two gorgeous hostas for 4 years. They take centre stage, and are admired by everyone that visits. They are blooming at the moment, a month later than usual due to the extremely cold April and May this year. And believe me they are pampered.
2025/11 - Getting ready for Spring
All of a sudden our weather changed from the usual dank, grey, dreary stuff to lovely sunshine during the day and frosty nights with a gor...