
Posts tonen met het label gig. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label gig. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 12 februari 2025

2025/7 - 💥 Fame at last!💥 Boerenwormkruid and Gig.

 Totally off-topic, not a plant in sight (except on my photos), but it is my philosophy that if I'd like to Celebrate Life, I need to hang up the bunting myself! (That is a very useful practise by the way, at least you know there IS bunting).

In the webshop!

Update Boerenwormkruid

Another titillating titbit of news about the anticipated launch of my book: 

IT IS HERE!!!😊🇱🇺

You can order it through this link to the webshop  

From today on you can also put your name forward to receive a regular Newsletter about my writing activities, by sending an e-mail to leaving your name and e-mail address.

Yes, this blog is in English and the book is in Dutch, so this seems counter-productive, but I know my blog is read on a weekly basis by my fellow countrymen and Belgians both (in English, the clever clogs!). And they certainly are my 'target' (my apologies about that word, my Dutch and Flemmish friends, I totally appreciate you!)

Right, let me tell you about our gig last Sunday afternoon.
After a new bass player and drummer joined, and with an almost entirely new repertoire, Dusting Diamonds had practised for a year and a half before we thought to be ready. Our lead guitarist is a stickler for perfection you see, and rightly so, I see too many 'just for fun' bands perform (even charging money) that are not up to par. And I certainly do not want to make a fool of myself on a stage (unless I WANT to). 
   So, there we were, Sunday afternoon, the music venue happily buzzing with those friends, family members and other folks that were not in bed with the flu. Trust me to organise a concert during an epidemic...
   Now do not think we sold out the Amsterdam Ziggo Dome; first of all it was a free concert and second muziekcafé MACH doesn't pack more than 80 or so. But enthusiastic people are wonderful! Especially when they sing, dance and sway along to your music.

   We all five brought in our darlings (and saw many fall along the way), so we play an eclectic mix of country-rock, blues, jazz and folk. 
   My personal preference is slow, steaming, swampy blues. I couldn't tell you why, as I have never visited the Mississippi area, and probably never will. But it resonates deep within me, if it were possible I would tell you it is in my blood. Hm. Probably from some past life (or utter bollocks). If you'd like an example of what I mean, please listen to the intro of Led Zeppelin's 'When the Levee Breaks', until Robert Plant changes pitch. No? Not your thing? Then try Buffalo Nichols 'Lost & Lonesome'. Still No? All right, good old Muddy Waters then: 'Mannish Boy'. I heard this at age 13, listening secretly under the covers in my bed, and was utterly blown away by it. That song was the start of a life-long love affair with the blues.
Anyway, a fellow musician from another band made my day by declaring he'd experienced goosebumps (from emotion, not horror) when I sang Lovin' Whiskey by Rory Block. Wonderful! That is exactly the reaction I like.
Have a great end of the week and weekend, won't you?

2025/11 - Getting ready for Spring

  All of a sudden our weather changed from the usual dank, grey, dreary stuff to lovely sunshine during the day and frosty nights with a gor...