
Posts tonen met het label belgium. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label belgium. Alle posts tonen

zondag 27 maart 2022

58 - Well, hello Belgium! Welcome to my gardens!

As an avid watcher of Jardins et loisirs, it is such a pleasure to greet more and more of our Southern neighbours, and I know you are just as keen gardeners as I am.

I was always very British garden orientated (helped by my misplaced Celt inclination), but last year I stumbled on the above mentioned TV programme and realised (sorry, a bit late, sorry!) that other Europeans make damn pretty gardens as well! Not only in Belgium and France, but also in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Italy and Finland.
Thus my internationally orientated blog this week

Gardens I love to watch 

Take Instagram@katrins_garten . She tends to go for the close-up, which I adore, as she has a very good eye. Only the names, mind, not the sort of  ramblings I write. 
Also from Germany comes Instagram@basilikum_und_kaktus again great photos, with loooong stories; an interesting garden though.
From France I follow Instagram@small_parisian_balcony because it is exactly what it says, and I have a balcony garden too and like to see what other gardeners do with theirs. This is elegant, just what you expect from Parisians. (I do follow a Delhi balcony garden too, but more about the Asian ones later)
England, obviously! I watch closely what Instagram@nigel.dunnett does. He's a landscaper, very trendy designs, often on a large scale, and I can learn from his use of grasses and earthworks.
More about my international must-follows another time.

What else is happening in Hunky Dory?
Yeah, yeah, what else is new, I hear you think. The thing is, they are in the greenhouse, oh horror! And nibbled on my cup-and-saucer-vines, the little shits. My precious expensive vines! And it is still too cold to plant outside, so what can I do? I patroll, I turn over every pot, I grumbily remove them and throw them over the ditch. I need chickens!! Chickens are not allowed though. (Like sleeping on the plot, not allowed...imagine if I would try to sleep with chickens, I would probably be tarred and covered with nettles before rolled across the allotments' bridge on a wheelbarrow).
But the potted up potatoes are looking wonderful and the cheerful spring flowers warm my heart every time I gaze at them.

Update about the FREE Pollinator seeds

Remember I will be happily handing out seeds on April 9th from 10.00 - 12.00 at my allotment, plot 54a. Drop me a line for the address, either here or DM me at my Instagram, see below.

Read more about my garden on Instagram @songsmith2962 and have a lovely week pricking out your seedlings or whatever it is you do.

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