
dinsdag 31 december 2024

195 - Out with the old, in with the new! 2024-2025

 Well, it depends on where you are, obviously, whether you are reading this in 2024 or 2025. I suspect most of you will be reading it in 2025, so a very happy, prosperous and especially peaceful new year to you!

With my friend
   Whilst the fireworks bombs (it is only 6 pm!) are going off all around my flat, and my poor dog is shivering in her basket, I wonder if you have a load of new year's resolutions. Do you actually stick to them? I can proudly/smugly (take your pick)tell you I tend to do so. But then I am a pragmatist and aren't as stupid as I used to be in my youth, so I only make realistic ones.
   Here goes:

   1. Keep on keeping on not drinking alcohol. 
   I quit in May 2023 and it suits me very well. Mind you, my tolerance for soaks has evaporated along the way, along with my patience.

2. Keep on keeping on with shedding those kilos. Twelve down, three more to go. And Frith are those last three hard!

3. Work hard at making my allotment garden the most insect/ bird/ hedgehog friendly one I possibly can. Since 2024 was an extremely wet year, I hope my bulbs will be okay, and that some of my shrubs will recover from having their feet wet for months on end. Still, I have great plans again, which I will make you a part of as the months progress. So looking forward to that! Which logically brings me to:

4. I'll continue blogging about my garden(s). From time to time I get cold feet, and think who on earth is interested in my boring garden stories, but then I look at where my musings are being read, and I am amazed. Singapore, Hong Kong, Mexico, the USA, the UK, Ireland, and last but not least Belgium.
That pleases me no end. I am happy that you seem to like my garden, tiny as it is, in my damp, windy, wetlands.

Have a wonderful 2025, won't you?!
I'll be seeing you!

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