
zaterdag 16 juli 2022

74 - I garden, therefor I am

 What is this urge to document, to put down on paper what is keeping me occupied other than an existential need to prove that I exist?


Gardening, right, we are reading about gardening here?
Yes, we are, kind of. Like that pumpkin over there on the left, my being is hidden underneath a whole mass of creepers. Older ladies like myself tend to become invisible to younger people. The thinning hair, the wrinkles, the varicose veins, the sagging flesh, all not so attractive to gaze upon, I get it, don't think I do not.
But just as that pumpkin hidden under those green leaves is rather beautiful, so my soul remains all glossy sheen and firm flesh. It is just hidden inside an older person. Although my soul is an old one. And there you go. Back to Hunky Dory.

That area of high pressure is doing weird things to our weather. It is warm to very warm, but sometimes clouds hide the sun. Still, it is necessary to water the greenhouse veggies every day, and I talk to the daturas while I am doing that. The two of them appeared by magic, and are waving their amazing cream coloured trumpets at me, one day at a time. They wilt when I do not water them religiously, so I water them. I tried to grow one on my balcony last summer, but it pined, and I threw the spent pot soil in my greenhouse, and, well.
I have ordered a metal raised bed planter from Berlin for Hunky Dory, which is supposed to arrive 'within 7 days', of which 6 have passed by now. No tracker tracer thingy possible, so am I supposed to sit at home waiting for my buzzer to go off for a week? I think not!  I bet you they will try to deliver it when I am walking Puck. Anyway, I saw it on Gardener's World and several Instagram feeds and I thought I want one! It can go on the old strawberry patch (which will need clearing first) and I can fill it with a mix of veg and flowers I do not have to use a pickaxe for to get them into the soil. If this becomes a success, there will be more, folks. But first get it delivered...
The Cannas on the balcony

Mind you, the flowers are valiantly and defiantly showing they are just as good as last year's onions they have replaced. Good onions though, I am actually still eating them.
The forecast says it will be 36 degrees C next week, even though we are near the sea, holy cow! My poor garden... Oh well, her and me both, it will be over 40 under my flat roof at home. I have stocked up on icecream and made water ones for Puck, on a stick, she loves to lick them whilst I hold them up for her, eyes closed with extacy. (Hers, not mine)
If you like to read more, find my Instagram@songsmith2962 and Pixelfed@DutchDeltaWoman.  Have a lovely weekend, and keep your head cool!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I totally get the feeling that you're talking about.
    Wishing you a very nice weekend too. 😃

  2. Thank you! It actually got up to 38 degrees, frightening.


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